Hi there! I'm Jess. Software developer and illustrator based in Vancouver, Canada.

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Developer. Web Designer. Illustrator. Looking to grow, collaborate, and build with you.

If you're reading this it means I've taken a peek at what you do or you have an opening and I'd love for us to work together. Here's a glimpse into who I am and why we may be a match.

Who am I?

Self-taught developer with a focus on front-end development and digital accessibility. New Zealand IT/business graduate with professional experience working as an analyst in the financial technology industry. Freelance artist.

With a background in art, business, finance, and IT, I can bring a diverse and creative insight to development projects. I strive to craft inclusive and innovative digital spaces and experiences.

The COVID-19 lockdown helped me recognise the importance of being online - studying, working, and connecting with others. This also highlighted the issues of digital accessibility which inspired me to begin learning web development. I quickly came to realise how programming embodies the things I love and enjoy which encouraged me to pursue it as a career.

When I'm offline, you can find me reading with a cup of tea, painting, or playing board games.

What are my skills?

- Front-end Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, SASS. TypeScript. React, JSX, Next.js.

- Development - Other

Git, Github. Figma, Trello. Agile, Scrum.

- Design + Art

UX/UI Design - Wireframes, prototypes, usability testing. Graphic design. Traditional art.

- Other

Developing process documentation. Validation, formatting, and management of client data. Risk and Compliance analysis. Internal audits. Microsoft Excel + Google Sheets. Customer support.

What is my history?

- 2022-2024 | Freelancer + Upskilling

Studying software development. Working as a freelance designer and artist on the side.

- 2020-2022 | Operations/Finance Analyst, FNZ

Financial management for a start-up investment platform later acquired by a global wealth company. Included verification, reconcilation, trade settlements, risk and compliance analysis, audits, documentation and record management, providing training, and liasing with 3rd parties - brokers, custodians, and clients.

- 2018-2020 | Customer Support Specialist, Trade Me

Worked within the site functionality and trade support teams. Site usage and conflict resolution support.

- 2016-2020 | Victoria University of Wellington

Bachelor's degree in Information Systems and Management with a specialisation in IT solutions.

End Note

It's difficult to say how sincere I am to enter this industry and grow as a developer over a few lines, but I hope that this gives you a glimpse.

Please get in touchabout freelance and permanent developer positions or other exciting collaboration opportunities!

Thank you for your consideration!Smiley face icon

Built with ♡ in 2024 byJessica Q Chiu